PLP Atelier
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Tipología: Concurso / Urbanismo
Emplazamiento: Risøy, Haugesund. Norway
Fotografía: -
Año: 2021 | PLP Atelier®

Competition Team:

Pablo Sanmamed Saiz | Claudia de Sas Trujillo | Cristian Andrade Pereira |

Diego Rodríguez Val | Pablo López Prol |


Currently, the island of Risøy is in a state of fragmentation between the different areas that compose it (residential-industrial, north-south), as well as with the neighboring towns. In this way, it was decided to work on the limits of these pieces, the interstice of the urban fabric, with the intention of reconnecting the functional connections between them, recovering their dynamism and promoting maximum interaction inside-outside the island. We call this GREEN┃LINKED. A set of measures on urban transitional spaces where, through their humanization, a green, living and attractive infrastructure is established.


For a correct execution of the measures adopted, three phases are proposed according to the type of intervention:

1_ SMALL SCALE: Urgent or priority interventions of affordable and rapid execution.

2_MEDIA SCALE: Global or organizational urban interventions with a link between them.

3_LARGE SCALE: Infrastructure interventions of great impact and greater complexity.


Throughout the proposal, work is done to identify the current problems of Risøy in order to find the appropriate solutions that promote the revitalization of the island and make it a point of interest for all living beings that inhabit it. both for the local population and visitors. In this way, the following objectives are established:

_Promoting the feeling of social belonging through the improvement of public spaces and respect for the unique elements of the island.

_Recovering the “blue-green infrastructure” (BGI), forming new links between urban ecology, landscape and social structures, promoting the use of renewable energy, transformation and reuse, as well as increasing the environmental wealth of the area .

_Improving connections with Haugesund and other neighboring islands, reducing travel times and implementing the “ten minute time concept”.

_Acting in the by the city council to improve their conditions and turn them into important centers of activity and dynamism: Garpeskjr port, roads, the Sundgata car park, parks, social housing dependent on the city council and the municipal block.

_Improving the accessibility and environment of natural spaces (parks and seafront), with the intention of promoting meeting points that enrich the relationship between society and its environment.

_Integration of the industrial area, developing actions on the ‘buffer zone’ or intermediate, that achieve greater harmony with the rest.

_Implementing measures throughout the city, both physical and social, to make it more friendly, safe and accessible for the people who inhabit it.

_Incentivizing local commerce and implementing essential services on the island.

_Improving the first image entering the island, acting at passenger access points, as well as connections with neighboring towns.